Personal Computer World 2005 June
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' Save historic versions of the backup, so that you can
' backtrack to previous versions. This script will, if
' ran BEFORE the SyncBack-backup, copy the last backup
' (either directory or zip-file) to a historic version
' in the same destination directory.
' The historic set consists of folders/files in the
' backup-directory that have a "1_", "2_" etc prefixed
' to the original backupfilename or -foldername. After
' the (in this script configured) maximum number of
' historic versions is reached, the script starts over
' at "1_" and repeats the cyclus.
' That way, by looking at the modifation-date of the
' historic files or folders, you can always find the
' previous backups. Because of this, you can not
' automatically assume that the "1_" version is the
' oldest or newest version, it all depends on the
' modification-date of the files or folders.
' Created by Alex, based on code from timestamp.vbs as
' provided by Michael J. Leaver (www.2BrightSparks.com)
' Free for non-commercial use.
' Run by calling "cscript rotate.vbs <arg>"
' where <arg> is full path of the destination file or
' folder.
' Files should be full filenames (path included)
' and without any wildcards.
' Folders can either end with a "\" or not.
' Examples (for use in the "Run before profile" field
' of the Programs-tab (Expert mode) of SyncBack:
' -- for a file-backup to 'backup.zip' -- :
' cscript "C:\Program Files\2brightsparks\SyncBack\rotate.vbs" "C:\<backupdir>\backUp.zip"
' -- for a folder-backup to subfolder 'backup' of the backup-dir -- :
' cscript "C:\Program Files\2brightsparks\SyncBack\rotate.vbs" "C:\<backupdir>\backup"
' All provided that you created rotate.vbs (with this code as content)
' in C:\Program Files\2brightsparks\SyncBack\
' By modifying the variable 'nRotationSize', you can
' determine how many historic versions are stored.
'set this variable to the number of historic versions you want to preserve.
'eg, if set to 7, the last seven daily backups are stored in the backup directory
nRotationSize = 7
'Return the pathname portion of a full pathname
Function Pathname(FullPath)
Dim x, y
Dim tmpstring
x = Len(FullPath)
For y = x to 1 step -1
If Mid(FullPath, y, 1) = "\" Or _
Mid(FullPath, y, 1) = "/" Then
tmpstring = Mid(Fullpath, 1, y-1)
Exit For
End If
Pathname = tmpstring
End Function
'Return the filename portion of a full pathname
Function Basename(FullPath)
Dim x, y
Dim tmpstring
tmpstring = FullPath
x = Len(FullPath)
For y = x To 1 step -1
If Mid(FullPath, y, 1) = "\" Or _
Mid(FullPath, y, 1) = ":" Or _
Mid(FullPath, y, 1) = "/" Then
tmpstring = Mid(Fullpath, y+1)
Exit For
End If
Basename = tmpstring
End Function
'Main code
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (objArgs.Count < 1) then
WScript.Echo "No filename or dirname to copy was supplied."
' Concatenate all the arguments to create on file/dirname
' This is to avoid problems with spaces in filenames or dirnames.
OldFileDirname = ""
For I = 0 To objArgs.Count - 1
OldFileDirname = OldFileDirname & objArgs.Item(I) & " "
OldFileDirname = Trim(OldFileDirname)
'whether the argument represents a file or a folder, eliminate any trailing "\".
If (Right(OldFileDirname,1) = "\") Then
OldFileDirname = Left(OldFileDirname, Len(OldFileDirname) -1)
End If
theFolder = Pathname(OldFileDirname)
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(theFolder)
lngMaxIndex = 0
lngNewIndex = 0
dtMaxDate = 0
'determine whether user gave file or folder as argument
If fso.FileExists(OldFileDirname) = True Then
blIsFile = True
blIsFolder = False
ElseIf fso.FolderExists(OldFileDirname) = True Then
blIsFile = False
blIsFolder = True
blIsFile = False
blIsFolder = False
End If
'determine whether to loop through files or folders of the directory
If blIsFile = True Then
Set arrLoop = oFolder.Files
ElseIf blIsFolder = True Then
Set arrLoop = oFolder.SubFolders
WScript.Echo "File or directory <" & OldFileDirname & "> not found."
End If
'start loop and determine the next-to-be-used prefix ("1_" or "2_" etc)
For Each FileOrFolder in arrLoop
For i = 1 to nRotationSize
If Basename(FileOrFolder) = i & "_" & Basename(OldFileDirname) Then
'found index, save it, if max
If FileOrFolder.DateLastModified >= dtMaxDate Then
dtMaxDate = FileOrFolder.DateLastModified
lngMaxIndex = i
End If
'found non-conforming file, skip
End If
If lngMaxIndex > 0 then
'found max index, increase it by 1 to generate the next index for the backups.
'The mod-command makes sure that the indices rotate and do not increase forever.
lngNewIndex = (lngMaxIndex Mod nRotationSize) + 1
'no max index found, start with 1
lngNewIndex = 1
End If
If blIsFile = True Then
'the user gave a file-name as argument
'create the new filename by pre-pending the counter-index to the original filename
'This way, the file 'backup.zip' will be saved as, for example, "1_backup.zip"
NewFilename = Pathname(OldFileDirname) & "\" & lngNewIndex & "_" & Basename(OldFileDirname)
'copy the old file to the new file, so that the old file can be overwritten by SyncBackup after this script is finished.
fso.CopyFile OldFileDirname, NewFilename ,true
WScript.Echo "File <" & NewFilename & "> created."
ElseIf blIsFolder = True Then
'the user gave a folder-name as argument
'create the new foldername by pre-pending the counter-index to the original foldername
'This way, the folder 'backup' will be saved as, for example, "1_backup"
NewFoldername = PathName(OldFileDirname) & "\" & lngNewIndex & "_" & BaseName(OldFileDirname)
If fso.FolderExists(NewFoldername) = True Then
Set oFolder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(NewFoldername)
'do an explicit delete, because the WSH-CopyFolder command doesn't seem to update the DateLastModified-field
'of the destination-folder (either bug or feature).
'That causes a problem when trying to find the next rotation-folder based on the DateLastModified-field.
End If
'copy the original folder to one of the rotating folders
fso.CopyFolder OldFileDirname, NewFoldername, True
WScript.Echo "Directory <" & NewFoldername & "> created."
WScript.Echo "File or directory <" & OldFileDirname & "> not found."
End If
End If